We handle cases across the United States. Allen Stewart is licensed to practice law in Texas, California, New York, Pennsylvania, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio and Arizona.
Allen Stewart is not afraid of big business. We take our mission statement seriously, “passionate about defending the rights of people harmed by others.” The attorneys at Allen Stewart, P.C. have taken on pharmaceutical cases to asbestos claims, government and even big tobacco. The firm’s victories span a wide range of issues.
Listed here are some of his more significant client wins:
Regina Eaves et al. v. Ashland, Inc., et al.
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented the families of Gary and Randy Eaves, two brothers who developed cancer after occupational exposure to benzene while working at Cooper Tire in Texarkana, Texas.
Gary Eaves and his brother Randy Eaves worked at a Cooper Tire manufacturing plant for decades and were often exposed to dangerous levels of benzene containing solvent while performing their job duties. Gary was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2012 when he was 59 years old. His brother Randy was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia in 2015, also at 59 years old.
ASPC attorney Scott Frieling, along with co-counsel Mary Alexander of Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C., asserted the oil company knew their solvents contained benzene, a known carcinogen.
The jury awarded the Eaves families $21.4 million in damages.
Bushra Khan v. Motorsports Auto Group LLC
Allen Stewart P.C. represented Bushra Khan after a Dallas-area used car dealer sold her a salvaged vehicle without her knowledge, violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
Khan bought the vehicle in April 2021 and never disclosed the vehicle’s salvaged status, falsely telling Khan the vehicle’s original factory warranty still protected it. Khan took the vehicle to a local Toyota dealership where she learned the vehicle was, in fact, a total loss and was no longer protected by its original factory warranty.
The judge not only awarded Khan $58,638.75 in damages, but also decided the defendant Motorsports Auto Group LLC must pay Khan’s attorney’s fees as well.
The Estate of Jay Merrill et al. v. Pro-Point, Inc. et al., Cause No. A-12-671324-C; In the District Court of Clark County, Nevada:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented the family of Jay Merrill, who developed myelodysplastic syndrome as a result of his occupational exposure to benzene-containing cleaning solvents he used over his career as a carpet and upholstery cleaner in Las Vegas, Nevada. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case against the product manufacturers and distributors and reached substantial confidential settlements for Mr. Merrill’s widow and children.
Jerri Rowan v. Sherwin Williams Company, Inc. et al., Case No. CV-13-813181; In the Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga County, Ohio:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented Jerri Rowan in a negligence and products liability action stemming from Ms. Rowan’s occupational exposure to wood dust while working in a cabinetry manufacturing facility in Ohio. Ms. Rowan developed sinus cancer, which required surgery to remove her nose. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case against the wood product manufacturers and distributors who sold wood products to Ms. Rowan’s employer and reached substantial confidential settlements for Ms. Rowan.
David Schmidt v. Conrail, Inc.; Case No. 2903; In the Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented a railroad worker who developed myelodysplastic syndrome as a result of his occupational exposure to benzene and diesel exhaust. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case against the railroad company employers and reached a confidential settlements for Mr. Schmidt.
Susan Boykin and the Estate of Philip Boykin, Case No. 3:13-CV-0417-JFA; In the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina, Columbia Division:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented the widow of Philip Boykin, who worked as a motorcycle mechanic and technician in Columbia, South Carolina. Mr. Boykin developed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma as a result of his occupational exposure to benzene-containing products he used during his work. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case against the product manufacturers and reached substantial confidential settlements for Mr. Boykin’s widow.
Chad Blankenship v. Bell Partners, Inc. et al.; Case No. -1-GN-13-002047; In the District Court of Travis County, Texas:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented Chad Blankenship in a negligent security cases stemming from Mr. Blankenship’s violent attack at an Austin apartment complex. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case against the premises owners and operators and reached a confidential settlement for Mr. Blankenship.
Derek Madrigal v. The Coca Cola Company et al.; Case No. 2013-DCL-02461; in the 197th District Court of Cameron County, Texas:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented Derek Madrigal in a negligent security cases stemming from Mr. Madrigal violent attack by gang members during Spring Breach at South Padre Island, Texas. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case against the premises owners and Spring Breach promoters and organizers and reached settlements for Mr. Madrigal.
Mike Phillips, et. al. v. Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C., et. al., Civil Action No. 3:11-MC-126; In the United States Middle District of Pennsylvania:
Allen Stewart, P.C. and their co-counsel Todd O’Malley and Jeffrey Mansell represented three families in an arbitration proceeding stemming from Defendants’ negligent operation of polluting oil and gas drilling facilities near their homes.
Jill Murray v. Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. et al.; Case No. CV13-0928; In the District Court of Parker County, Texas:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented Jill Murray in a nuisance and property damages case stemming from Defendants’ operation of oil and gas facilities near Ms. Murray’s home. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case against the oil and gas operators and reached a confidential settlement for Ms. Murray.
Tim and Christine Ruggiero v. Aruba Petroleum, Inc.; Case No. CV010-10-801; In the District Court of Wise County, Texas:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented the Ruggieros in a nuisance and property damages case stemming from Aruba’s operation of oil and gas facilities on and near the Ruggieros’ property. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case against Aruba and reached a confidential settlement for the Ruggieros.
Thomas and Rebecca Koenig v. Ashland, Inc. et al, Case No. 12-12-03188; In the Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented an auto manufacturing engineer who developed myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myelogenous leukemia at age 43 as a result of his occupational exposure to benzene and formaldehyde-containing paints and solvents. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case against the chemical and product manufacturers and reached confidential settlements for the Koenig family.
Maria Elena Dorantes on behalf of Victorino Dorantes et al. v. Jim Hicks, LLC et al.;In the Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented the family of Victorino Dorantes who worked in a fertilizer manufacturing plant in Salinas, California. Mr. Dorantes developed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at the age of 46 as a result of his occupational exposure to various fertilizers. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case and reached confidential settlements with the chemical manufacturers and distributors for Mr. Dorantes’ widow and three daughters.Venue: San Francisco County, CA
Milward v. Acuity Specialty Products Group, Inc., No. 09-2270 (1st Cir. Mar. 22, 2011);
U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit: Steven Jensen successfully appealed and won a decision reversing a trial judge’s order excluding the testimony of an expert witness concluding that workplace exposure to benzene can cause our client’s type of leukemia. (more)
Patsy Ruth Farragut, et al. v. E.I. Dupont de Nemours and Company;
Circuit Court of Jones County, Mississippi, Second Judicial District: Attorneys with Allen Stewart, P.C. successfully represented ten families in Pass Christian, Kiln and Long Beach, Mississippi in a matter involving long-term exposures to dioxins and other harmful materials released from a titanium dioxide manufacturing complex operated by E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company (“DuPont”). Allen Stewart won an initial jury trial victory in Jones County, Mississippi that was overturned on procedural grounds by the Mississippi Supreme Court. Following a retrial of that case and the trial of another matter on behalf of a young girl who died following a valiant battle with cancer, Allen Stewart, P.C. was able to secure settlements with DuPont for the remaining families to compensate for family members’ cancers and other injuries.
Delinda Clingan, et al., Individually and as Heirs to the Estate of David G. Herrin, Deceased v. Able Supply Company, et al.;
Cause No. 2006-15378A, In the District Court of Harris County, Texas – 11th Judicial District
Betty Egelhoff v. Fujifilm Hunt Chemicals U.S.A., et al.;
Cause No. 08063402 14, In the Circuit Court of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Broward County
Tomas Gonzalez, et al. v. Ametek, Inc., et al.;
Cause No. 2008-22810, In the District Court of Harris County, Texas – 11th Judicial District
Barbara Good, et al. v. TDL, Inc., et al.;
Cause No. 06-01687, In the Superior Court for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, County of Norfolk: Allen Stewart, P.C. attorneys Scott Frieling and James Piel obtained a large settlement from a number of defendants to compensate several families who suffered from a number of types of cancers and other long-term health issues resulting from their exposures to polychlorinated biphenyls (“PCBs”). The families were long-time residents of homes that were located adjacent to a multi-purpose manufacturing site on which several companies negligently dumped PCBs, one of the most harmful, cancer-causing materials known to man, over a period of nearly 40 years and ignored their duty to cleanup the resulting damage to the property and a nearby creek. The families and their children encountered the PCBs over an extended period of time while playing on and near the site, walking through the site on their way to local businesses, and while attending community functions that were permitted to take place on the contaminated property. In addition, the PCBs made their way into the families’ homes routinely through a number of means including wind-blown dust contaminated with the substance.
Kelvin Khieu and Narin Khieu v. Age Refining, Inc., et al.;
Cause No: DC-08-10425, 193rd District Court of Dallas County: Allen Stewart, P.C. attorneys James Piel and Scott Frieling represented a long-time machinist and electrical component assembler who developed Acute Myelogenous Leukemia as a result of his routine exposure to benzene-containing industrial cleaners and solvents in his work during the course of his career. Although Scott Frieling, Stephanie Brooks and James Piel were unsuccessful at trial against the final remaining product manufacturer, Allen Stewart, P.C. obtained a large aggregate settlement from a number of the other product manufacturers to compensate Mr. and Mrs. Khieu for the damages they suffered.
Wayne Rogers, individually and on behalf of the late Hubert Richard Rodgers, Deceased v. Georgia-Pacific Corporation, et al.;
Cause No. 104-356, District Court for the Parish of St. Bernard, State of Louisiana: Allen Stewart, P.C. attorneys Scott Frieling and James Piel represented a painter/construction foreman who labored for many years in various shipyards, steel mills, paper mills, petroleum and chemical plants and other facilities in Louisiana and Texas where he was exposed to asbestos and asbestos-containing products. After a long career, Mr. Rogers developed Mesothelioma, a cancer linked conclusively with asbestos exposure, and died a short time after his diagnosis. Allen Stewart, P.C. prosecuted the case against the premises owners and product manufacturers and obtained a large aggregate settlement from those entities and significant payments from the trusts of bankrupt parties responsible for Mr. Rogers’ illness and death.
Ytuarte, Jr. v. Quigley Co. Inc.;
No. 2003-0573; District Court, El Paso County, Texas. An El Paso industrial worker developed mesothelioma as a result of exposure to Quigley asbestos products in the work place.
Ahmad Djalili Tanha v. Seyed Rahim Shafaghiha, et al;
No. 96-13303-F; 116th Judicial District Court, Dallas, Texas. An Iranian-born Canadian citizen was defrauded by a Dallas-based real estate investment partner.
Calderon v. Quigley Co.;
No. 2000-1703; District Court., El Paso County, Texas. An El Paso industrial worker developed asbestosis as a result of exposure to Quigley asbestos products in the workplace
Gaines, et al. v. Pittsburgh Corning Corp.;
No.25, 054; 20th Judicial District Court, Milam County, Texas. Four Milam County, Texas residents who worked at Alcoa developed asbestos-related cancers and asbestosis as a result of exposure to Pittsburg Corning asbestos products in the work place.
Chaney v. W.R. Grace & Co. Conn.;
No. 94-04939-K; 192nd District Court of Dallas, Texas. An Oklahoma refinery worker developed mesothelioma as a result of exposure to W.R. Grace asbestos products in the work place.
Bearden, et al. v. Owens-Corning Fibreglas Corp.;
No. 94-11384-K; 192nd Judicial District Court., Dallas, Texas. Thirteen Virginia industrial workers developed cancers and asbestosis as a result of exposures to Owens Corning asbestos products in the workplace.
Baird v. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., et al.; No. 05-94-01404-CV;
191st Judicial District Court, Dallas, Texas. Ten Alabama industrial workers developed cancers and asbestosis as a result of exposures to Owens Corning asbestos products in the workplace.
Boddie v. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., et al.;
No. 94-07824-G; 131st Judicial District Court, Dallas, Texas. Twelve Alabama industrial workers developed cancers and asbestosis as a result of exposures to Owens Corning asbestos products in the workplace.
Dalton v. Rapid American Corp., et al;.
No. 124012-93; 126th Judicial District Court, Austin, Texas. A Texas worker who developed mesothelioma as a result of exposure to Pittsburgh Corning asbestos products in the workplace.
Wilborn, et al. v. Owens-Corning Fibreglas Co.;
No. 92-11779-M; 298th Judicial District Court, Dallas, Texas. Four Oklahoma refinery workers who developed asbestosis as a result of exposure to Pittsburgh Corning asbestos products in the workplace.
Virgil and Lorrie Hood v. E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., et al., Case No. DC-13-03619; In the District Court of Dallas County, Texas
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented an equipment painter and mechanic who developed myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myelogenous leukemia at age 57 as a result of his occupational exposure to benzene-containing paints and solvents. Allen Stewart, P.C. reached confidential settlements with many of the product manufacturers and tried the case against the non-setting defendant, DuPont.
Brett Lammers v. Energy Transportation Group, Inc. et al., Case No. BC532902; In the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles:
Allen Stewart, P.C. represented a merchant marine who worked in the engine room of various crude oil tankers during the 1980s and 90s. Mr. Lammers developed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma as a result of his occupational exposure to benzene, solvents, and crude oil vapors. The case was tried to a Los Angeles jury in 2015.