City: Bullard
State: Texas
Zip: 75757
Vehicle Status on Purchase: New
Year: 2015
Make: Volkswagen
Model: Passat
Date Purchased: 10/12/15
Selling Dealer: Gorman-McCracken Volkswagen
Dealer City: Longview, Texas
Servicing Dealer: Gorman-McCracken Volkswagen
Servicing Dealer City: Longview, Texas
Remedy Sought: –
Problem 1: Brakes unexpectedly lock, not allowing the car to reverse
Problem 2: Car revs up, lurches forward unexpectedly
Problem 3: Transmission jerks when shifting gears
Problem 4: When stopped at stop sign, car moves forward
Problem 5: Vehicle slow to respond at stop light
Date In: 2/4/16
Date Out: –
Mileage: 3700