Once you’ve purchased a new car or taken ownership, Kansas requires that you register in person. With today’s technology, many processes are completed online, but the initial steps sometimes require an in-person visit.
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Vehicle owners must bring vehicle title, driver’s license, proof of insurance, registration application, and registration fee payment. Kansas vehicle registration fees are based on vehicle type and weight. Depending on your county, there may be additional fees, including an additional $5 in-person fee for motor vehicle transactions. Passenger vehicles 4,500 lbs. or less: $35; passenger vehicles more than 4,500 lbs.: $45; Motorcycles: $25; Mopeds and motorized bicycles: $20. Other fees include a vehicle registration late fee at $1 per month.
For all new Kansas residents, registering a vehicle with the Kansas Department of Revenue is required for newly-purchased vehicles, whether used or new. Visiting the DMV, sounds like an inconvenience, but once you’ve registered, each year, you’ll have options to renew online. Current Kanas residents’ options include renewing online, by mail, or in person; however, there are certain stipulations that must be met. Visit the DMV website and select Kansas to learn details.
New residents must register their vehicle within 90 days of moving to Kansas. Also, before applying for a Kansas vehicle registration certificate, a motor vehicle inspection is necessary. Like most states, a driver’s license and proof of insurance is needed. Kansas requires an official copy of the car’s title. Inspection fee is $20.
Once a new resident has completed this step, they will receive a Motor Vehicle Examination Certificate (Form MVE-1), then they can move forward with the application process for a KS car registration certificate.
Next, new residents will need to visit their local county tag office, bringing proof of insurance, Form MVE-1, and the title. It is important to remember that only person who can register the vehicle is the person named on the title. If there are two names listed on the title separated by “and/or,” both must be present. If the names are separated by “or,” only one of the persons must be present. If one of the one of the required vehicle owners cannot be present, an original copy of a Vehicle Power of Attorney (Form TR-41) must be provided.
Moving, especially to another state can become stressful when dealing with a new set of laws. The same effort in finding a new home should be put into learning your state laws at all levels.
Lemon law attorneys help their clients by dealing directly with the manufacturer on the clients’ behalf, working to promptly resolve the issue and get their clients back on the road. Thanks to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, attorneys can seek their fees directly from the manufacturer, meaning a client can obtain legal counsel without having to pay attorneys’ fees directly out of pocket.